Friday, April 15, 2011

Best Road Trip Ever!!!

We better do this! will be a trip that we can talk about when we're 80 years old and remember it vividly!

Unless any of us happen to get alzheimers, dementia, or something of the sort. But anyway, let's be serious! All are invited! The more the merrier! We just need to know who is serious, so we can plan accordingly! Book the hostels, van if needed, plan the restaurants, parks, the works!

LET'S DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We failed last the words of Steven Wilson - "Nothing ever happens, if you don't make it happen"

and I leave you with that masterpiece:


  1. Wow, that does seem epic, if Google can't calculate the directions, it's gotta be good, haha. I say let's do it!!!

  2. LOL, yeah It also gave me that... you have to put the closest city to the Grand Canyon instead of the park lol. But YES! let's do it!!

  3. yes! this roadtrip will be awesome!
