Saturday, April 9, 2011

Night Shots!!!

For as long as I can remember, I have been amazed by night shots where the car lights turn into blurs of red and white. I can specifically remember an El Paso phone book, with a picture of I-10 with red lines of lights on 1 side and white on the other...I was a kid, I hadn't the slightest idea how they did that, but I liked it. I don' think I ever told anyone either, its always just been there, in the back of my head. And it hasn't been until the last couple of years that I finally realized that it was long exposures that cause that. 

And I could never get it to work how I wanted on previous cameras(not did I realize the exposures had to be so long(well over 10 seconds, for me to get the ones I do now). And now that we have a Canon dSLR(Rebel T2i/550D/Kiss X4, depending on where you are from) I can finally do it!!!!!!!!!

Check it out!!! :D

On a tripod, 30second exposure, at ISO 200 f/13
This is a nondescript colchester roundabout, a few blocks from the house, it was just the 1st location where I thought I could try this closest to our house! Expect these sort of shots anytime I have a chance now!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I never knew either! Until you posted this pic on facebook! It's so amazing! I love these type of pics as well.

  2. I'm digging it :), I also love these kind of pics

  3. great little inside into your mind :) i always loved these pics too!
