Tuesday, April 26, 2011


So I got a Flickr account today...not sure what to do with it exactly. Looks like a photo place, so I thought I would give it a try.

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Geli pointed me to a 550d group(the model of camera we have) on flickr, and there were some really sweet photos there, and discussion boards and what not. So it might be a cool place to get a little more insight and tips on what to do with the camera.

I am at:


In case any of you have a flickr account and want to add me, although I am pretty sure you can browse pics without having an account, which is pretty cool too.


  1. Yup, you CAN browse pics without an account, I just did :). I don't see a reason to make a Flickr account myself right now, maybe in the future, I'll add you for sure if I do :D

  2. Ahhhh, I'm gonna make one and start taking pics!! I'll carry my camera around! ! :D although they're going to be crappy but you can give me advice, yes?!!

  3. Flickr, I have never used that, I have a photobucket account that I use to upload images that I edit, and I like photobucket, although I must admit that Flickr looks fine too.

  4. yeah, i dont know how to use flickr, but there are some awesome pics there
