Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New lens + accident

We got a new lens today! It is a prime lens, which means it does not zoom. It is fixed at 50mm, which makes it a portrait lens. The nifty thing about this lens, is how wide it opens up, the aperture. At f/1.8, it opens pretty wide(the smaller the bottom number, the bigger the opening), so it lets plenty of light in, allowing for good low light photography, and a really shallow depth of field, ideal for portrait, and isolating your subject, as you can see in these first shots we took with it...

This shot is mainly to illustrate the shallow depth of field this lens can achieve(depth of field is the area of the image in sharp focus). This makes it really cool for that blurry(bokeh) effect that makes your subject pop!

The subway here, is the pedestrian tunnel, so you don't have wait for cross walks at a busy turnaround.

At lunch, I had to go get some groceries, while Geli and Sophie were at the doctor. Sophie had to go for her shots, she got 2 shots, one in each arm. Poor Sophie...

Just the handrail as you head into the subway...this lens can make ANYTHING an interesting subject!(This is at full aperture, so f/1.8)

On my way to the grocery store, I took the chance to test out the lens outdoors....I love it!! We will have to get better with the manual focus, but it comes in very handy, since you can shift the focus where you want it, instead of where the camera chooses. In this shot, bananas!

This lens makes it easier to isolate your subject in "noisy" environments. You can really make the bananas pop, despite them being surrounded by other fruits...

As usual now, Sophie and I headed out for our nightly walk. Mainly to give Geli some peace and quiet so she can study....

Fairfax road...our street. The lights are very yellow here...
On our way to the store(vegan donuts!), I took the opportunity to test the night shots :) and I am pleased...

No noise at all, despite an ISO of 1600...and it grabs so much light, that it doesn't risk camera shake with shots like this. Able to do it with a shutter speed of 1/60sec.

Manual focus ftw!!! Purposely blurred shot :)
It wasn't all awesome though...on the way back. Sophie insisted on running back home. And it was all going well, but about a block from the house, she tripped and scraped her knees :( Needless to say, I had to carry her home, and she cried. It was a rough day got her...The doctors, 2 shots, falling and scraping her knees. She went on to say "I am not gonna walk, ever!" And of course as soon as we got home, she needed mommy to comfort her...apparently, that is not my forte.

When looking at this picture, she said: "My 'owie' is a letter 'P'!" haha
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  1. Oh noo :( poor Sophie!!! :(
    Those black and white photos are amazing!! Wow! I have a feeling i'm going to know how to use a camera by just reading your blog lol

  2. These pics look totally professional, awesome!!! lol, "p" owie :P
