Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I need you to right click "My Computer"...

I wonder how many times I say that a day...
Also, if I had a dollar(or a £, that would be better lol), for every "There's nothing on my screen" when clearly there is, I would have enough money for all the lenses I want!

Anyway, enough about that. Today was a great food day! Baked Beans on toast + hash browns + veggie sausage for breakfast, no pic, sorry. Potstickers for lunch!

And fantastic portobello mushroom burgers + broccoli/yellow pepper quinoa for dinner!

Portobello mushroom burgers!

And then, just some random pics throughout the day with the awesome 50mm f/1.8 lens! 

Sophie, being serious.
Looking at the sky :)
The road after ours, during our nightly walk.

This night, Sophie and I went for our walk, to get replacement donuts. Last night, in all the trauma, she went to bed and did not eat her donut. And Geli and I ate them, thinking she was not going to remember. But in the morning, she found the empty bag and was sad that we ate her donut. So today, we went looking for donuts again, but they were out. So she opted for a Rhubarb pie instead, but she wasn't too much into it. So what did we learn? Sophie will remember the donut she was supposed to get in the morning!!!


  1. lol, I read the title and saw the first pic and thought, wtf? What does food have to do with My Computer, hahaha.

  2. yup, she was really upset by our betrayal haha
