Monday, April 18, 2011


I totally should have taken a picture of the Rhubarb and I did s a giant leaf with red stems. As you can see in this picture not taken by me and stolen from google. They were given to us by the vegan couple that invited us for tea last night. They have a lot in their garden. So Geli looked up a recipe, and I made some Rhubarb crumble while she studied.

It came out pretty good. An odd thing about Rhubarb, the green leaves are poisonous, but the stems are not. Odd isn't it?

As it is becoming usual, Sophie and I went for a nightly walk. We went to dropp off the LoveFilm movie rental and headed back.

Took this nondescript pic of the roundabout...
And this sign is on our street. It has bugged me since I first saw it. But not enough for me to go look it up.
What is a fly tipper?!!?!!?!?

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  1. That is weird about the Rhubarb's green leaves being poisonous but not the stems, haha. lol, fly tripper, what the hell?

  2. :P it is not common, but there are various fruits or plants that can be poisonous, like the mango peel has a chemical that the poison ivy has too, and the jicama seeds and plant have poison too, thats why we only eat the root :P

    BTW i was curious about the fly tippers and found that it refers to the people that throws trash, so if anyone is surprised throwing trash there it will be prosecuted.

  3. Wow, that's crazy!! But I don't get it.... you said it contains poison.. and yet you made food with it?! lol

  4. @Sergio - yeah, it seems odd to me that one part of the plant would have that poison, and not the other. Clearly, I have a lot to learn about plants.
    @Luis - I did not know that. Cool! haha now I know what it is! And it makes sense, cuz some people do leave their trash there, which is terrible!!
    @Mari - lol it is a strange plant. The leaves have poison, but not the stems. And it has thick red, stems. So people eat the stems. Not the leaves.
