Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Drains the life out of you...

Work...most of us hate it. 

We find other things in life to take our minds off the drag that work is. To make thing bearable. A hobby, TV, music, beer..Anything to clear our mind from the mundane daily grind.

Today I was IMing with a co-worker and it dawned on me, not for the first time, that the kind of work we do can be dehumanizing in a way. The calls never stop, you feel helpless, with little incentive to try harder. I mean a typical day at work there are 10-15 calls holding at all times almost. It doesn't even matter if you hurry up and work super hard there will be no end...the calls will just continue to be there. And she didn't even say this...

she just said "This is not a great place to work, I can't wait until the weekend to play my accordion." In response to a system issue, that would not be addressed, and we would have to deal with...

And it hit me...life shouldn't be like this. We shouldn't hate the majority of our day, to be able to finally escape that in order to go home for a bit then start over. Repeat. Again, and again. One huge regret I have is not developing a passion early on. Because it is clear to me now, that working in something you like is essential, not just to feeling great, but to your mental sanity almost. 

My workstation here at home
 I have a pretty sweet situation when it comes to work actually. I shouldn't complain much, most would say. I work from home. I can multi-task and chat with friends, read news, all while I work. Definitely better than "most". But is that really how we should measure things in life?

I plan to finally get off the phones which seem inescapable(working a job where I have to answer phones since i was 17!)...but I plan to. I plan to work in something I love...I will work towards that.


  1. i agree, that's why i can't stand working, it's so mind numbing....that's why i like school...i thrive when challenged and there is variety in my days......i'm not really sure what kind of work I wouldn't hate...hmm

  2. I agree too, i mean i only worked for like 4 months (lol) but it was pretty boring, Just testing code, running it again and again with different digits and when I found an error... I would have to go and fix it. Pretty tedious. :( Hopefully I get a chance to follow my dream.

  3. Well, I can most certainly say, I haven't found my dream job yet, but am more than happy with the last couple of jobs I've had, cause I DO enjoy what I do, and I get to put all my potential to solving problems, and it's soooo sweet when you finally do it :), except for my pay, haha
