Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pancakes, Castle, Bubbles, and Tea

Today was definitely more eventful than our usual Sundays. The days started with an invitation out to "tea" with a vegan couple that has 3 kids that we met at the NESX Vegan group we meet with occasionally.

Geli needed time to study, so we had some blueberry pancakes left over from yesterday and some hash browns for breakfast. Then Sophie and I had to leave so Geli could study, so I took her to the castle park. It was a lovely day, sunny and warm.

The castle park was packed, there was some boy/girl scout even going on. She blew some bubbles, got on a jumping balloon, played in the playground, fed some pigeons and ducks, and then headed back to the house.

I also saw, for the first time ever, people playing cricket. No clue what was going on, but I saw it haha.

We then left for "tea" to their house at 4. They only live about a mile from us, so that was convenient. We walked there. Geli was awesome and baked some chocolate raisin scones so we could take that to their house. It was dinner though, so I guess they say "Come over for tea" and that means dinner too? So we had dinner with them, Sophie played with their kids, kinda(she was kinda shy at first, and then she started playing with the toys, but not directly with them). And we talked to them, had tea(after dinner) and some scones and dessert(they had dessert too!). After a very pleasant time, and them giving us some Rhubarb from their garden to take home, we headed home. Pleasant Sunday :)


  1. Good to know, coming over for tea in England means dinner, tea and dessert, lol. That's awesome

  2. Looks like you guys had fun. :) And as always... awesome pictures!! My god that sounds delicious !! I'm glad that you guys are getting to socialize more :D

  3. @Sergio - now you know! haha
    @Mari - we are socializing more! It is awesome! :)
