Sunday, April 24, 2011

We are gods!!!

Okay, I don't have to tell you we aren't haha But Sophie thinks we are. Yesterday, as she was overheating at the park, she asked us to turn off the sun! She literally thought we could do that! Isn't that awesome?! That someone in this world sees you as such a powerful person?! To me, it is :) She also asked us this morning, to make it snow, so she could play in the snow. I'm telling you, in her eyes, we are gods!

Sophie, overheating at the park!
So I keep trying to take pics of Geli with the new lens, and this is face she gives me:

"Are you taking a picture of me?!"
And this one, I just love it! I think it looks better with the England flag, instead of the UK flag. They change it sometimes, not sure why. Oh, and we live less than a mile from the castle. Isn't that cool? I would have never guessed that one point in my life, we would live within a mile from a castle!

Colchester castle!
And here is the top of the castle with the UK Flag:

Same castle, different flag.


  1. Awww, she's too cute. What do you tell her? Lol.
    That's really weird that they change flags but I do like the England one better.

  2. Yup, that's Angie's photo face, hahaha

  3. lol, that's cute,

    btw if you find a way to make it snow tell me, we could use some here in Juarez XD

  4. @Mari - that we can't turn off the sun, or make it snow...she wasn't convinced.
    @Luis - I will let you know, for sure! haha
