Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More night shots?!

Okay, so I just needed to get out of the house today, and decided to take some night shots...I get out of work at 8pm here so its already dark by the time I am out of work.

Not very interesting subjects, I was hoping to see something inspiring on the way to the playground, but no such here is what I did. Let me know which you liked best and why! Or how I could have made them better! :)

Pic 1 - The "pavement"(that's what they call the sidewalk here) on the way to the park. ISO 3200, f/3.5, 1/4sec, handheld
Pic 2 - This one is not in perfect focus, but I had to use manual focus, and it was hard to gauge since it was dark. ISO 200, f/4, 15 second exposure, on a tripod.
Pic 3 - Just some benches, and Sophie's toy on the near bench. ISO 200, f/3.5, 15 second exposure. om a tripod
Pic 4 - Another view of the playground. ISO 200, f/3.5, 15 second exposure, on the floor.
Pic 5 -Sophie on the swing. ISO 200, f/3.5, 15 second exposure, on the floor.
Pic 6 - I'm a lion - Sophie decided to be a lion in the middle of this 15 second exposure. ISO 200, f/3.5, 15 second exposure, camera was on top one of the other games.
Pic 7 - Wide angle of the playground. 18mm, ISO 200, f/3.5, 15 second exposure, on a tripod.
Pic 8 - Middle of the road. ISO 200, f/3.5, 2.5 second exposure, on a tripod.  
Sorry for the reflections/glare in some of the shots(like pic 8). I need a lens hood(ordered one though!). Don't be shy, tell me what you think!


  1. Wow! I really like all of them. But my top 3 are:

    5 & 6 because I love those types of pics. Everything is so quiet and serene except for a couple of blurred objects. The lion one is pretty awesome, kinda scary lol.

    8 I really like how everything is so centered and sort of symmetric. (does that even make sense?)

  2. Well, I liked them all, not really sure what you could do to improve them, don't know squat about it, haha. The one I liked the most is pic number 4, I really like shots from the floor.

  3. I like all the pictures but my favorites are 4 and 6, love the texture in the ropes in 4 and the playground XD and the ghostly effect on Sophie, she is so cute, cant give you any advise on the quality of the pictures :P, i don't know anything about photograph.

  4. I like 4, i just like that clean look it has with straight lines and an interesting angle. I think 5 would have been pretty cool if there was no movement haha I like the angle. I think the angle shots put you in the picture, the other shots are good but they don't have the same effect.

  5. Thanks guys! :)
    @Mari - Yes, symmetric in a picture, makes sense. That's what I went for, I even waited for no cars, and setup the tripod in the middle of the road haha
