Friday, April 29, 2011

The coffee that led to getting cayenne powder in my eyes!

So I was making our usual Friday night coffee so we can stay up after Sophie goes to sleep, watching a movie, organizing pictures(yeah, we need that much time for that haha), watching youtube videos, playing cards, or whatever. But we stay up later than usual, and since we are weak sauce, we need some help staying up now. So caffeine is how we do that.

Today, all was going as usual. As soon as I was off of work, I started preparing the coffees(and chocolate soymilk for Sophie!). But, then something went terribly wrong. And not for the first time. I confused the cayenne pepper for the cinnamon, and put cayenne pepper in my coffee.

Look similar? Probably not if you care to look longer than a second. Today, I didn't.

This was before adding the hot water, so the entire coffee was not ruined. But I did have to redo the powdered coffee(I couldn't think of a way to separate cayenne from coffee). I should probably tell you we use instant coffee, because we have a kettle, and not a coffee maker. And we are not going to buy another appliance that we are just going to leave behind later this year, or have to move somewhere. Anyway, I like cinnamon in my coffee. And I did Geli's with cocoa powder. This had happened to me with pancakes before too. I added cayenne to the flour, instead of would think I would learn by now!

So this is all fine, but how did cayenne powder end up in my eyes you ask?! Let me tell you. I am a genius. I couldn't come up with a better story if I tried. So I took out the coffee + cayenne pepper out and had to throw it out(I felt bad, I can't stand throwing food away, so wasteful). And there was a tiny tiny bit left in the cup. And what does this genius do. Blow it out! And it was in a cup, so where did it go? right back at my face and in my eyes! And cayenne pepper is pretty hot. I ran for the faucet and rinsed, but it still burned massively!

And that is how I got cayenne pepper in my eyes while making coffee!


  1. Best story I've heard in a loooon time, hahahaha.

  2. LMAO, that's hilarious! I think maybe you should label them yourselves and put like a red paper in the cayenne pepper and a brown one in the cinnamon. btw, i really love your coffee pic!

  3. Best post so far, lol, I remember that once my mother was doing some tortillas de harina and confused the salt with sugar, well those were sweetest tortillas I have had in my life, they tasted like buñuelos XD

  4. i cannot believe this keeps happening to you! hahhaha
