Monday, August 8, 2011

Sometimes your pictures can be a mess...

We are trying to organize the pictures we have into some sort of way that we know where to find what we are looking for...easier said than done.

By Date? Events? Location? Ideally, I think it would be nice to do it by date, but also tag each picture with location, person, event, etc. That way you can look by time, or search by event. As far as I know, that is not something you can do in Windows, so that doesn't help...

Also, I have no idea how you guys keep running out of space. What do you do?! Look at our external HD:

We have almost 400GB free!! And have had it that way for years! lol Although that will change, because these pictures with the new camera, are HUGE! About 25MB per picture! So that's going to add up quick. We bought a 2nd external Hard drive, 1 TB! The idea is to mirror the drives. So that if one fails, we have the other. But I want to clean up(delete unnecessary doubles, bad pictures, etc), and organize them, before I mirror all that. We have music, but that is just like 16GB and that is easily(and already) organized. 

This is our recent pictures. Haven't had time to classiffy any other way than by date. 

This is how the older stuff is classiffied. By....I don't know what!

So yeah, I am still in the clean up process(about 35% done). Once I am done cleaning, I will hopefully have an idea of how the hell to make sense of all this lol and then organize them. Mirror them. And life will all make sense again!


  1. You can use some kind of software like Picasa to tag pics with people and places. You would have them stored in the hard drive by date, but you can search for them in Picasa by person or by location...but it may take millions of years to do

  2. When I was reorganizing my external hard drive it had like 15GB of photos and video that I haven't checked, there must be some that I don't even remember :P.

    The folder where I moved everything is a mess too >.>

  3. LMAO @ Angelics crazy family.
    But yeah, i also said I was gonna organize my pics but no dice... they're everywhere!!

  4. @Sergio - You make an excellent point. I think I will do it by date in Windows, and tag them all(a lengthy process, but good in the long run). But now I wonder if The tags will copy when I mirror them. That should be part of the "Picasa.ini" file that is in each folder, right? I will have to try this and see.

    @Mari - Geli called it that! lol

  5. yeah, our pictures are a mess, i dont even know where to start, so im glad you are starting hahah

  6. I'm pretty sure i have to start deleting files cause im over 500g im sure

  7. @paco - lol dang, if you don't use it all, you should. Also, defrag your disk, especially if that is the disk you work out of.

  8. This says posted on august 8th but it's like 3 months old! lol

  9. lol that's google reader's malfunction, not mine. I havent edited it or anything...
