Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sometimes you are excited...

...about trips!!!! Seriously, I wasn't this excited about my past trips for some reason. Like I want to jump around and yell "woooopeeeeee!!!" lol

It is nice when my gmail trips folder is full of new emails! It is stressing to plan, and book, and order tickets, and plan schedules. Since we have to leave Colchester by train > London - get on the tube to the international train station > Train to Brussels from there > Map hotel and places of interest.

And the schedules have to allow enough time to make the next train...anyway, stressing, but exciting! We are going to Belgium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and we got half of Geli's and my tickets free, because there was a delay on the last train trip to Paris!!


  1. It seems like too much work, but it is worth it :), and congrats for getting most of your tickets for free, I don't think you can get something like that here XD

  2. Don't forget to send me a postcard from all the places you visit!!!!!!
