Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sometimes you want to see Jupiter...

This is a timelapse taken in 1979 by the Voyager Spacecraft as it approached Jupiter...1 image everyJupiter day(about 10 hours). It is just mesmerizing(and I only use this word because I should reserve the word "awesome" for things like these, but sadly, I don't. Because this truly leaves me in awe...). The black spots that come in and out are shadows of the moons, the bright flashes are the moons.

Jupiter ftw!
A really really cool close up of the storm(the red spot) on Jupiter:

So yeah, I can't wait to get a telescope(again), and look at it again :) For now, binoculars will do on the occasional clear night here since it is almost permanently cloudy....


  1. Wow, that's amazing! :D Let's go stargazing when you guys come!

  2. @Mari - For sure!!! telescope :( we just need to gather a few binoculars, and it is still pretty cool!

  3. The universe is so amazing :)
    I once had a telescope too, but I was to little to appreciate it :(
