Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sometimes you lose to your daughter...

...at bowling on the wii. See for yourself:

And I was totally trying! Check out her technique:

You know you haven't played Wii in ages when your controller is this dusty:

And SNES Super Mario World ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or as Sophie calls it, "Gustavo".

And SNES Donkey Kong Country!! Sophie loves them, it is fun playing with her! :)


  1. Donkey Kong Country!!! It's been ages since I played that game :P

  2. me and dad bet on the football tems like we always have, and i won(: so you two can relate xD haha

  3. Tsss, you got owned by your daughter :P
    My brother gets owned in angry birds by my "nephew" (the son of my brothers girlfriend) and he is 4 too.
