Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sometimes you have to share...

...your computer. Geli's computer won't boot, so she used mine today, pretty much all day till now. Neither of us has really taken a long look at it, it won't boot from CD, which is odd, even though we checked the boot order, and even set CD as first. But we haven't tried much more beyond that yet.

Anyway, here is a pic of an old church from yesterday. I took tons of pics today, since Sophie and I went to the castle, but since I didn't have a computer, no time to process them.

And this was at the university:

Humped Zebra? Crossing?! I also have no idea why they have those squiggly lines on the side of the road. They have them on a lot of roads, no idea what they mean....


  1. Yeah, all the markings they have on the road are totally meaningless to me!

  2. I read that in the humped zebra crossings pedestrians get the right of way no matter what, so if you put a foot in it cars are supposed to stop and let you pass :P
    But don't take my word, that's what I read

  3. Hahaha, humbed zebra crossings, that's waaaay too funny!!! Maybe you could try booting from a USB???

  4. @Luis - Yeah, I don't even think Geli would trust that...since apparently everyone is out to get her here.
    @Sergio - We don't have a 2GB USB lol we only have 2 sticks and they are both 1 GB...
