Friday, August 12, 2011

Sometimes you play monito...

That is what Sophie calls Little Big Planet. It is fun. I just passed it today, I was kinda sad haha

Sophie and "her friends". Sophie is the zebra, or "Marty" as she calls it, because of the Madagascar movie, playing the intro stage, I don't know why!
But, Sophie discovered that other people can just jump into your game. She was sooooo excited! "Daddy! Look! There's another monito!!" Now, she even calls them "my friends" lol. So yeah, she's addicted. We have to constantly ration it, and even ground her because it takes over her! She gets mad and yells, and cries over us telling her that it is time to turn it off...she was grounded for 4 days(because she yelled at Geli 4 times), with no "monito". She took it pretty well, and hasn't done it since, so it worked, she understood why she couldn't play.  And she's pretty good, she can finish stages with the others. In multi-player it is easier for her because if she dies, she just reappears at the next checkpoint. I just don't think the others realize they are playing with a 4 year old! haha


  1.'s getting a bit out of hand...

  2. Awwwwww, just like her tia.. she needs her videogame fix. :P But yeah, let me know when I can play with her!!! Sometime this week before school starts!

  3. @Mari - Well, this weekend, let us know when you are up. She can play almost anytime haha
