Monday, August 1, 2011

Sometimes you can't see...

...that well without glasses or contacts. It is pretty bad. My prescription is -4 in both eyes(in case you know what that means).


It has been bad since I was in 6th grade. I had to sit under the projector to be able to read what the teacher wrote there. And the thing about being blind, is that you don't really realize how blind you are, until someone points it out. At least I didn't. I just thought it was something I had to do, I didn't stop to think about why no one else had to go to the front to see the overhead projector.

Anyway, I have had to wear glasses since. Hated them since. I can't keep them in good shape. They get bent, lost, broken, scratched, you name it. Contacts were a revelation! A welcome one too! To this day, I prefer contacts. Glasses are a drag. And what does this all bring me to? Clearly, god is either not there, or he is incompetent! haha You like that twist? I don't know the percentage or people that need corrective lenses, but it is very very high. And most of the time it is through no fault of your own. You eyes just suck. No competent engineer would design something that is flawed such a high percentage of the time! If I lived before glasses were invented, my quality of life would be greatly diminished. I can't read street signs while in a car, I can't read anything more than 12 inches from my face really! Intelligent design my ass...

So once again, thanks to science, my quality of life is improved!


  1. Lol! yeah, I hate glasses, they're so inconvenient and bothersome! But yeah i'm -4 too so I feel you. But anyway, lol I love your twist.

  2. I have like 1.2 and 1.5 (Left, right) and it has been that way since I started using glasses, but I hate it too, this is the first time I am really using them everyday, and science ftw :P
