Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sometimes you have to display the house...

..for others to see. The letting agency called me today, at 3:30pm to say that someone wanted to see the house tomorrow at 10am. I mean wth? We just told them we were not renewing the lease yesterday! And they already have people lined up to see it?

What bothers me is that that gives us very little notice, and I assume they want the house clean, so yeah, we had to rush clean the house today.

And I leave you with another before/after shot. I should have removed the highlight alerts(red) before I took the screen shot. That just means the data is lost because it is too bright, but you can recover it, by darkening the exposure(no blown highlights alert on the after side). Again, RAW never ceases to amaze me on how flexible it is!


  1. and they didnt come! inconsiderate people!

  2. They didn't go??? Ugh, what a way to piss people off!!! I know I'd be pissed!

    Wow, that is awesome what you did with the pic :D

  3. That's awesome!! And yeah, that sucks :/ but at least you have a clean house now :)
