Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sometimes the little things are what matters most...

Today I had a pretty cool workday. It's weird, I know! I usually complain, but not today. several factors combined for a pretty easygoing day.

It was still busy, but that's the permanent state of the service desk now. What was different today was:

1. I had no incredibly outrageous calls. There is usually at least one call that will just aggravate me to no end, and it kinda ruins my day, as far as work is concerned. Not today.

2. Many issues seemed to fix themselves for a change. Tickets where I call the client back expecting a lengthy, tedious call and instead I get "Oh, I no longer have that issue, thanks!". Sweeeet! This must have happened like 8 times today!

3. I got about 30 minutes of no calls in the morning. This was a thing of the past, but it came back for a visit today. Always welcome!

4. I got promoted, again, without anyone telling me lol. I should explain that since I moved here, I have no idea about much of anything that happens at work, especially as far as performance and how my managers see mine. I know I can't be doing "bad" because, well, I know what I am doing here on the desk and I don't escalate tickets, and well, it's been almost 3 years doing this, so I know my way around. We work in "teams", as a n00b, you are a Tech 1. Within a year I got promoted to the Financial team. Still the service desk, just deal with the Financial applications more, as well as Tier 2 tickets. So when I moved over here, I was surprised that in our ticketing system I was only to be found under Tech 1. So it is like they demoted me, without telling me. And rationally, I know it makes no difference really. I still do the same work, I still work everything the same, my pay wasn't cut, but it always kind of bothered me that they took me out of the Financial And Tech 2 groups in our ticketing system. Shortly after, they re-added me to Financial, but because they needed someone to work the timeclocks, and that was my "specialty" when I was in Milwaukee. Still, I was only under Tech 1 and Financial. Better, but still not where I was before I left. Today, to my surprise, I am back in the senior tech/Tech 2 group!

Check it out:


The tickets assigned to me, at some point today.

The odd thing is that my sups and managers tell me nothing! They didn't tell me why they took me out, the haven't told me why they put me back...weird. But at least I'm back! haha

So what have I learned about myself? Apparently, status at work is important to me....even when I know it makes no difference. Odd thing to find out about myself. But at least I know now...

So that was my day at work today. A good one :)


  1. Lol, that's weird! But yay, congratulations on getting promoted lol!

  2. @Mari - Thanks! But I didn't get promoted haha I am just back in the ticketing system as I was before I came over here.

  3. LOL, then congratulations on getting your old job :P, and sounds like a good day at work, why cant they all be like that? XD

  4. Haha, nice!!! I'm pretty sure that would've driven me mad at some point, not being the same in the system as I was before, haha.

  5. hahha hey whatever helps work be better..
