Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sometimes you go to a picnic...

...with a group of vegans and spend 5 hours at the park. It was fun. We made the tofu salad and took some tortilla chips(salted doritos lol). There was tiny sausages, raw zuchini tahini noodles, kale crisps, bean pate, raw granola, hummus, pitas, roasted red peppers, potato salad, pizza, salads, and and I am sure I am forgetting something.  There was plenty of awesome vegan sweets also. Fruit cake, lemon cake, Jen's cupcakes, flapjacks, apples, bananas, and some awesome hazelnut chocolate and oat "balls" lol.

Sophie made some friends, ran around like a dog, then a horse, and played with ladybugs. All in all, we had an awesome time...


  1. That looks like a hippie fest lol. But seriously, that sounds like heaven! Ahhhh, i wish we had those here!

  2. @Mari - lol I suppose...and unlike heaven, this actually exists! haha and well, get some people together, and make a vegan picnic! They don't even all have to be vegan, just as long as they eat vegan for one meal...

  3. That park reminded me of el parque borunda :P, and the food looks delicious :)

  4. lol, salted Doritos are now officially tortilla chips :P
