Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sometimes your video files are too large... upload to YouTube in a reasonable amount of time. We have taken a handful of videos with the new Canon dSLR, and they are pretty cool. You can record in 1080p, or 720p, or 480, and you can choose from various framerates. Well I can tell least for Sophie videos, I am done with HD. one and a half gigs for one video is ridiculous, especially when the internet provider is not providing anywhere near the speed they promised(20Mb/sec).

Yes, we are uploading like 15 videos at one time. But it shouldn't take all day! I am not has been uploading for at least 6 hours, and I am going to have to leave it on overnight...From now on 640x480 is enough!

On another note, I noticed one of my videos has ads in it! And I didn't put any, so I looked into it, and this is what I found out:

Apparently, because Sophie is headbanging to Protest the Hero, the label can throw ads on my video, and make money off of it. I am all for not violating copyrights, and not stealing music. But I don't see how this harms them in any way. If anything, it brings more attention to their artist(a negligible amount, if you like, but still), so why throw ads on my video? Ugh...


  1. LOL, your video is blocked in Germany :P
    And was that video file straight from the camera or was it already encoded?
    It's too big, how long was it?

  2. @Luis - I have to tell you, I know close to nothing about video. It comes out of the camera in .MOV format. Media player can play that, so I don't know if that needs to be another format, or if I need to do anything to it first.

  3. Well, that promised speed is only your download rate, your upload rate is more than likely be 1/8th of the download rate.

    And yeah, .mov format is usually used for very high quality video, it's the format Macs use (Quicktime). But yeah, doing anything to the video before uploading could be just a waste of time if you're not planning on editing it. Like you said, just record in lower resolution, and upload as is. A 1080p 4GB video can be reduced down to about 50MB in 640x480 (taking in count lots of factors, like frame rate and bit rate and the like)

  4. @Sergio - interesing, makes sense. Yeah, we don't need huge Sophie videos. So 640x480 it is!

  5. yeah, that was quite ridiculous....

  6. The video I took for the wow video I uploaded some time ago was like 1.5GB for like 3 or 4 minutes, it was an .avi file and the resolution was 720p, I used MediaCoder to encode it to MP4 (H.264) since I read it was a good compression format for HD video. I'm not an expert either but the file was reduced to a something like 200MB or less I think. this is the software I used, you need to read a little to configure it (it will send you to a web page to choose what you want, you'll see :P) and check that the configuration is as you wanted it.
