Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sometimes you wake up early... go get some vegan cupcakes! And by early, I mean like 4pm! haha We have such a hard time getting ready and out of the house by a reasonable hour on the weekends. Partly, because Geli and I stay up very late hanging out(5am last night), but also because we can't seem to move fast on the weekends(or ever really). We found out that there would be coconut macaroons at the cafe today, and so I "rushed" out of the house immediately to try to get there before the cafe closed.

By the time I got there, all they had left was strawberry vanilla and blueberry lemon cupcakes. They are fantastic, but those macaroons are something else! So Geli was sad that I couldn't get any.

Strawberry Vanilla

Blueberry Lemon!

So yeah, 4pm...that's the earliest we could get out today. We have a serious problem! And that was literally, like this:

Geli: "Oh man! They have coconut macaroons at the cafe today! Too bad we won't be able to make it" (She makes a sad face)
Me: "It is 3:30pm, I can just run over there right now before they close, just let me put some pants on real quick!"(I was wearing my shorts).

So I just found out about this, and ran out. Had we all had to get ready first, it would have been like 5pm!! What is wrong with us?!


  1. Too bad you didn't get what you wanted, but those cupcakes look good.

  2. we are lazy, thats whats wrong with us...

  3. Awww, that's cute that you went to get them for Geli. lol... but man, i wish they sold vegan cupcakes in el paso!! :(
