Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sometimes you go to a familiar place...

..and still end up taking over 100 pictures! Today Sophie and I went to a few stores for some laundry detergent, flax seed, and bread crumbs, and then I took her to Castle Park. We have been there countless times before. But it is a beautiful park, and well, new camera, 2 lenses, and what I would call a photogenic child = 100+ pics. After getting rid of the very similar/defective ones, it was down to 37, so not bad. I just really like taking pics :) I won't put many of them, or big ones, since most are for the weekly sophie next week. But here are some:

We fed some squirrels, pigeons, ducks. She played in the fish pond. She played in the playground. She rolled in the grass. We walked around. It was fun, I enjoyed it. Geli didn't want to come with us, she was tired. I was too, but we told her since yesterday we would take her to the park, so I took her. We were there for well over two hours.

The war memorial, or as Sophie calls it,  the "monsters". And the monster has a "cuchillo". That's what she calls swords.
This makes animals into your friends.

Feeding the squirrel AND taking a picture! bam!
Sophie and I, on our way back, this is a window of one of the shops on the way home. She's so big!


  1. lol, monster with a cuchillo. Awesome pics!!!

  2. The picture of the squirrel looks cool, well all the pictures look cool, but I like that one more :P

  3. OMG that last pic is amazing!! She's mega big! Aww :(

  4. Tambien podrias decir esta ecuacion...Chuy+camara nueva+Sophie=fotos al x mayor...:) Todas estan padrisimas como siempre, por sierto el "cuchillo" no seria mejor llamarla "espada"?...:) Que bueno que te guste tanto tomar fotos, asi nosotros disfrutamos todos los bellos lugares y situaciones que ustedes disfrutan tambien!!
