Monday, July 11, 2011

Sometimes you fail at bike repairs...

...really, really bad. You know you failed at it when you end up with 2 broken bikes, and you started with only 1 broken one.

Geli's just needed air. And I ended up breaking it. It has a weird air nozzle. A super small one, that you have to use an adapter on for the pump, and when I was trying to figure out how, I unscrewed a part that I apparently wasn't supposed to, and it blew out the little screw that went there with the air pressure and we couldn't find it...

So I still don't have brakes on my rear tires, but it's ok. I still went for a ride like that. I missed bike riding. Wind in your face...your surroundings passing you by. I really missed it. I just went for a ride to the nearby park.

I got tired quickly(badly out of shape), so I pulled over and laid down on the grass for a bit...

Took some pics of course...

Looked around...

Abbey a quarter mile from our house.
Then headed back to the house. I just wanted to go out for a ride. I had been itching to for a loooooong time, but Geli hates bikes now, so we never go. Now she has an excuse since I broke her bike. I need to take them both to the shop for fixing.

On another note, this weekend we found this:

Can you believe that?! Fresh jalapeños in England!!! So clearly, we had to make this: Guacamole and salsa. And eat it with tostadas. Salted plain doritos is the closest thing we have to tostadas here in England lol I told Geli it was a must to make guacamole, salsa, and eat it with tostadas if you find jalapeños in England. She didn't believe me. It is a rule! Is it not?

FANTASTIC!!! (the guacamole was almost a disaster, since I added too much "milk", yes I add milk to the guacamole, it makes it creamier, and I like it.


  1. D: WTF?! i do NOT hate bikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i do NOT hate biking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just don't want to get run over!!!!!! which is very likely here since the streets are all narrow and you have to ride on the wrong side and there's no space....NO space!!!! i just like to live! i miss biking more than i can express :(

  2. lol, I can so relate to that, not with bikes, but with anything I've tried to repair (except computers). I am a total disaster at repairing even the smallest and insignificant things, haha. And even though I don't like guacamole, it IS a rule :)

    @Angie Your desire to live translates as your hatred towards bikes :P.

  3. LOL, poor guacamole, it does improve with milk, or "milk", but too much and it can be ruined. BTW, those Jalapeños look better than the ones they sell here :P

  4. LOL @Geli... aww, I miss bike riding too. :(
    Btw, that Guacamole looks delicious!!!
