Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sometimes you wish you had a TV...

...with mexican channels on it. This stream thing has been a bit annoying last few games. The streams I find are weak. They keep breaking up and chopping up the game, lagging, freezing, etc.

And I used to be able to watch them directly from Televisa and Azteca, but now they block them here in the UK.. oh well. Mexico is up at halftime!! They better hold on!!


  1. México world champions!!! Wooo!!! Yeah, when the world cup was on, I wanted to watch all of Germany's games, but they didn't transmit them all, so I had to stream them (though I can only guess México games streams are not as good as World Cup games)

  2. yeah, those streams suck......but they always seem to work way better on the second half, so at least we get to watch one half right haha

  3. Yeah, I know how that feels, this past E3 in one of the press conferences I lost the signal the moment they were presenting something I really wanted to hear. It sucked, two or three minutes later they were already on something else. I suppose it would be like missing a goal shot, it isn't the same watching the replay :P

  4. Yeah, streaming really sucks! well at least when you have crappy, slow internet
