Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sometimes you crave tofu...

...in all its forms! This week's form:

Pic courtesy of Geli :)

Tofu Salad! We eat it with tortilla chips, and mexican red rice + salsa. I am looking forward to it, like most dinners. But Geli noticed that I have this thing with food where I like to have something to scoop with. Tostadas, tortillas, bread, something to use as a scoop(other than a spoon lol). And it is true. It is one of my favorite things to do.

And also, a little over four years ago I would never have expected to like tofu. I don't even think I knew what it was. And I was missing out. It is the foodie's dream! Incredibly versatile, like a sponge it just grabs the flavors that you cook it with so well. It is fantastic!


  1. foodie's dream? Lol :)
    And yeah, Tofu is amazing

  2. i love tofu! and i cant wait to eat that salad today!!
