Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sometimes you make cheese... home, and it is fantastic(and vegan!). Geli, as usual, follows countless vegan blogs and sites, so she always has new recipes to try. This time, she wanted to make cheese. I was skeptical, as usual(you would think I would learn to just accept her food propositions without resistance, but I don't!).

We didn't make it today, but I didn't get around to talking about it till now. So the interesting thing, is that you can take things like oatmeal, soy milk, nutritional yeast, tahini(ground sesame seed paste), onion powder, corn starch, salt, and lemon juice and make a very tasty "cheese" out of them!

It isn't hard at all, and except for the letting it cool, then letting it harden part, doesn't take long at all. You pretty much mix then blend everything well, then cook it to thicken, then cool it, and then harden it in the fridge overnight. Then you have very rich tasty slice-able block of vegan cheese...we ate grilled cheese sandwiches(w/spinach) with a tangy tomato soup this week, and the cheese was perfect in there.

We also made bagel sandwiches with it, and on toasts, by itself, I mean, you get it, it's versatile, like cheese.


  1. Send me the recipe, please!! I have a friend that doesn't like processed food so I wanna make him some homemade cheese :)

  2. @Mari - I don't have the exact recipe, Geli does.
