Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sometimes you spend more than 3 hours...

..fixing one issue. 

So yesterday work kicked my was not much better. But I said I would explain what sucked yesterday, and this one call was a huge part of it. Over 3 hours working on this one issue, and I had worked on it many times before and had put it off because I just had no idea wtf was going on...The initial issue was that she claimed not to have access to her intranet pages...which she did, it was just asking for her credentials when she went to it, but she didn't want to enter them. To make matters worse, everything worked in the Citrix desktop(a virtual computer), she just didn't want to connect to it. She wanted everything to work locally, which is why I blew this one off for days. 1) I seriously didn't know what to do about it. 2) It was no emergency, she could work in Citrix, she just didn't want to...anyway, I could seriously write like a whole report on why that call took so long and all the things I tried. But out of consideration to you, I will summarize it with this:

Remote users(not on our network, at home usually), sometimes have issues sync'ing their passwords when they change them, since the local PC has no way of knowing when they change the network password on the interface. Anyway, I know how to fix that, but that didn't work for this, and it was acting really strange...Here are some of the barrage of errors and issues I was getting:

At this point, normally, locking the PC, and unlocking it with the new password, once they are on VPN, usually sync's it..not this time...

I don't know why it would go to this screen when locking the computer, instead of the windows one... I still have to look into that. (PCs are encrypted with McAffee, but still, this isn't the windows log on screen).

Prompting for credentials when trying to map or open network drives, again related, and normally, takes the passwords, not this time....

I wrote some BAT files/scripts to map the drives...again, usually works, even if it asks for credentials, not this time.(Check out the username! atheis ftw!)

I seriously wanted to just get this PC re-imaged...I tried soooo many things.
It ended up having to do with the encryption password not sync'ing with the Active Directory/Windows login. So I reset the windows one to match the old encryption one, and after several reboots, and force sync's it worked...I didn't even expect it to, but at that point, whatever! haha

So yeah, today was not much better. I still worked until 3pm(I get out at 2pm), and there was some other messed up issues as well. But I won't bother you with those.


  1. lol, did you forget to put a title?

    It must have been stressful spending so much time with one issue and not knowing why stuff wasn't working. Tough break.

  2. Yeah, very frustrating. :/ Hopefully you don't have to deal with problems like these again
