Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sometimes at 4 am, the kitchen ceiling falls...

Before going to bed last night, like at 3 am I went for a glass of water. The ceiling was swollen!! Like a bubble, and it was dripping a few drops of water. I looked for the source of the leak, but could not find it. I literally saw the ceiling blow up like a bubble, like another inch. It was is not every day you see the house move!

I would have done something, but truth is I suck at anything having to do with house repairs. And I went upstairs, to check the bathroom, to see if something was leaking, or to see if I could spot the problem from there. But nothing, everything looked normal.

So we went to sleep....and at 4 am, we hear a loud noise. Some crashing sound, some dishes. And I kind of knew...the ceiling fell on the sink. But for some reason, I also could not shake the irrational fear that someone was in the house. I know, its weak sauce to be afraid, but I couldn't help it. I finally had to convince myself of something I already knew(odd, I know!), which was that the ceiling fell, and not that someone broke in the house. So I go downstairs. And what do I see? This:

And the ceiling on the floor and on the kitchen sink...lovely. I took the scraps and moved them to the yard. And I would have called the landlord, but they weren't going to answer. They never do.

I called in the morning, and left a message. They probably won't hear it until Tuesday, since tomorrow is a holiday here. So meanwhile, we have a hole in the kitchen. I still have no idea where the water came more water seems to be there, so I don't know how or why that happened. They better not try to tell me that it is our fault and we have to pay. This was sudden. Its not like there was a bubble of water for days or weeks and I ignored it. I saw it at 3am, it fell at 4am. No constant leak, no gushing water. But landlords suck, and tend to find a way of making us pay for things.

And now, for a completely unrelated picture. Here is Sophie sitting on the Moped in Milwaukee(08/12/2010)!!


  1. WTF?! hahhaha that was quite a change of subject! but yeah,what was up with you being mega scared? hahah

  2. Hahahaha I'm guessing Geli didn't even wake up lol. That sucks thought... I've always found it tempting to pop those water bubbles!!

  3. Haha, if I heard noises I would be scared too, something similar happened in our house, in Sergio's room, it was raining and Sergio forgot to close the window and the water was getting into the room, I didn't saw it, but Sergio told me that the water was getting between the wall and the pain making a bubble.

  4. @Mari - she did, but I am the designated danger investigator haha although not a very good one
    @Luis - lol that sucks. Yeah, it is strange that water is the nemesis of buildings, on the inside.

  5. ok, ok, first off we weren't asleep...and i had to drag chuy with me downstairs to see what happened, cause he was too scared! it was kinda funny

  6. I went down there and cleaned up the mess!

  7. Hahaha, the title is awesome...I mean, I'm sorry it happened and all, but, yes, sometimes at 4am the ceiling does fall, hahaha
