Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sometimes you are out and about w/Sophie...

We have been looking for a bucket and plastic shovels. To make sand castles, because we plan to go to the beach soon, maybe this weekend. Yesterday we saw some in the window of a second hand store, and decided that we would get them this morning, since we rather get used ones than new plastic ones. So as soon as Sophie woke up today, we went(Geli was at school already). Across from our house, was this lonely, yet huge flower growing out of the concrete:

Growing out of the concrete! wtf?!

So we got to the second hand store and I got the bucket with plastic shovels for her, and then went to get the rest of the rent money from the ATM. We pay the rent in cash because it is a pain to pay for things here at most places with our US debit card(i'll explain in another post). So we just take out the cash from our US account, and pay the rent with cash. But we have to take out the money in 2 or 3 increments(on different days), because the limit is £250 or £300, depending on the machine.

Rent money...
After working for 4 hours or so, I took my lunch and then we went to pay the rent. Sophie and I walked there, it is less than a mile from the house. So when I go pay the rent, I feel like I am doing something illegal, with £550 in cash, small bills in my pocket haha. The only other way we could do it would be to take out the cash, deposit it in the UK bank account Geli has, then pay with that card. But that's an extra step, so we don't do that.

After Sophie and I got back home, we played with her dinosaurs and other toys outside in the yard. With her new bucket and shovel. And so I took the chance to take some pics!


  1. I smell paleontologist...oh, no wait, there's a lion there :P

  2. Those bills look weird, and they have too much blank space (in comparison with Mexican and American bills).

    And you have to go to pay the rent? We were lucky to have them come to the house for the rent :P

  3. lol, awww, i would play with sophie everyday if i could!!

  4. Dinosaurs! those are always fun(: haha
