Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sometimes you wish there was more time...

Too often really...I seldom go to bed with everything I would like "done". I have been trying to process the pics the last 2 days. And I am like halfway done at best.

On another note, I just finished reading "An Unnatural Order: The roots of our destruction of Nature" by Jim Mason. My friend Renee(my old roommate sent it to me!).

It was rather interesting. It was a documentary of humanity and its relationship with nature over time. It was quite an interesting read. I learned for example, that before agriculture and the domestication of animals, most humans were foragers and had matriarchal societal structures. Women were seen as powerful and mysterious because they were able to create life. What I found most interesting was that the male role in reproduction was not understood. They just had sex because it was something to do I guess, but they didn't connect having sex with reproduction because the connection is not so obvious if you regularly have sex, and it is not until many months later that pregnancy is noticeable. It wasn't until animals were domesticated, and we learned to restrain them, observing them, and noticing that when there are no males around, for example, females could not reproduce. And since some animal gestation periods are much shorter than human ones, they were able to better connect sex with pregnancy...

So now I have to go back and finish reading "Fast Food Nation"...although probably not until I finish with the pictures! lol


  1. there's never enough time... and that books sounds very interesting

  2. Wow, that does seem like an interesting book! would you recommend it?!

  3. @Mari - yes, I would. That book is definitely worth a read!
