Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sometimes the internet worries you...

So we're at the hotel, and the internet is sub par, to say the least. And we have a very important game to watch tonight...If I can't watch the game today because of this connection I will be very frustrated!! The most important game of the cup! The final! And against the US!!! Ahhh!!! Just thinking about it freaks me out lol I know, it's just a game, but I really want to watch it...If I would have realized that the  game was this weekend, I would have done this trip another time! So alarm at 1:55am for the game!

So please! Gods of the internets! Allow the mexican stream to flow to Brighton tonight!!!


  1. LOL, so how was the stream and the game?

  2. The stream was a bit sluggish the 1st half, but the second was smooth! We got to see the game :)

  3. yeah....the first half was scary....
