Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sometimes you do nothing, and it is great...

Today was a total "lazy" day...we did nothing, and we enjoyed it. It was rainy out, so that didn't motivate us to get out at all. We made strawberry pancakes for breakfast, and watched movies, documentaries, and some seinfeld.

This morning though, Sophie woke up before us. That is almost routine on the weekends since we go to sleep really late fridays and saturdays since Geli and I stay up for our "dates". So she wakes us up early, and I get up, give her some fruit, and put on a movie for her lol Not the best parenting, I know. But she likes it, and we get an hour or so more of sleep. But today, she apparently peed herself at some point in all this and tried to conceal the evidence by changing her own underwear and, get this, flushing the underwear down the toilet!! Or at least that is what she says she did, but we can't find the missing underwear anywhere...The strange things that kids do. If this is any indication of what is to come when she is older, we are gonna have it rough.

On another quick note, I thoroughly enjoy watching soccer tournaments. Copa de Oro, copa america, mundial, la liga, etc...I enjoy keeping up with it. And of my favorite things to see happen, is this:

The only things better than seeing this is seeing mexico win, and seeing mexico beat the US...


  1. Sounds like you had a great day(:
    lol, that's too funny about Sophie

  2. aww!! that's so cute! gotta love kids and their crazy ideas!! :P

  3. lol, flushing her underwear down the toilet, hilarious, hahaha.

  4. yeah...sophie is weird......but good day :) (and seeing the US lose in soccer is always great!)

  5. LOL! She's too adorable!! So you guys seriously couldn't find the underwear? lol

  6. @Mari - no! we looked everywhere! Trash, washer, bathroom, her room, behind her bed, all over the I guess she did flush it.

  7. lol, Sophie is a genius, she got rid of the evidence like a pro XD
