Friday, June 10, 2011

Sometimes they give you bags when you don't need them...

I don't. I always have my backpack with me, I feel weird without it. I frequently go to this little outdoor market that has some good fruits and vegetables in the town centre(that is how they spell it here). And this time, I was reaching for coins in my pocket, and before I could look up again  and tell him "no bags please" he was already handing me this:

I mean, it was just a few avocados, plums, and 2 tiny boxes of blueberries. Which were already in paper bags, not sure if you can tell...I mean who needs this much packaging? Are people walking 20 miles with them? wtf? And we pretty much never get our stuff in plastic bags. We use my backpack and geli's and some reusable bags we carry in the backpacks. It isn't difficult...Anyway, I hate packaging...especially when they go overboard like this...


  1. yeahh, when i go to gas stations for like a bag of chips and tea, I always have to say I dont need one, :p

  2. ahh!'s-annoying!'s-not-as-if-what-you-bought-was-some-heavy-cargo-:P

  3. you should have to ask for a bag if you want one....i think that would be better!

  4. I have been offered a bag when I just buy one bag of chips. WTF??? What do they think I am??? That I don't have opposable thumbs and will have trouble carrying that one bag of chips???

  5. When Sergio and I were roommates we always wanted to use a canvas bag we had, but we always forget about it and leave it in the car, we used it like 1 or 2 times at best. But it was always our intention to use it because we had so many plastic bags in our house :/

    Also I, like you, feel weird without my backpack and I use it when I can too to carry things, sometimes even to carry my trash when I can't find a trash bin.

  6. Yeah, when they don't ask and they put it in bags I usually tell them anyway or take out the stuff myself.
