Monday, June 27, 2011

Sometimes you just have to process...

the insane amount of pictures you took during a two day trip. Over 550...2 days!! We were trigger happy apparently.

Day 1 - done! Just converting to JPG now...which takes a while

Granted, many are similar, and we pick 1 or 2 out of 6 or 7 similar ones we took. So that number will be greatly reduced once we are done. But at least we are done with day 1. Why we took 380 on day 2, is beyond me lol but it's okay. It takes a while, but I enjoy this!

Also, fog ruined my night shots...I made a special trip after 10:30pm(when it gets dark) to the pier to take some night s hots, long exposures. And it was ruined by the huge amounts of fog...this was the best I was able to get, and it was a street shot, not a city-scape like I wanted.

This is just a screen shot, not the actual pic, but it looks ok.


  1. i think you got great night shots, stop focusing on what you cant even control, which is weather and focus on what you did get!

  2. :O that picture reminds me of TRON

  3. woo! excited to see all those pics!! and that night picture looks so awesome!!

  4. @geli - yeah, I know. It is just that I was envisioning something, and i was not able to achieve it...
    @Luis - I can see why!
    @Mari - still processing, there are not enough hours in the day! and thanks!
