Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sometimes you play in the garden...

with Sophie and see flowers you didn't plant.

Animals you didn't know were there...

A cool slimy slug! Yesterday when it rained, there was sooo many! Apparently, they come out when it is wet.
and weeds that took over the yard lol...there are tons of them. I am not sure if I am supposed to keep the yard in "shape". That was not discussed, I guess we will find out.

Sophie eating her lollipop out here, it was nice out :) 

Then she got scared when a helicopter passed by! Really scared!
And the sky was once again, very photogenic!  The clouds were peculiar looking, very cool!


  1. is she still scared of the vacuum cleaner??
    maybe its just loud noises? hair dryers?? motorcycles? :p

  2. LOL she looks so scared in that pic! and the clouds look so beautiful !

  3. @Baudy - no carpets here, so not sure if she still fears the vacuum cleaner. Although since she does seem to be scared of loud noises, probably.
    @Mari - she WAS scared! She went inside, asked me to go inside, and then asked for a hug :)

  4. As always lovely pictures, that slug looks so detailed and slimy :P, and the sky and clouds look cool too.
