Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sometimes the president emails you... tell you that they are wrong. It is just odd, seeing that in your inbox. An email, allegedly, from the president of the United States. I obviously don't imagine he takes the time to email people, especially not these fundraising emails. But it still looks weird...

I would help, but not only do I think he has been very weak, but I am done with democrats. After that "faith/prayer" event they organized to kick off their fundraising campaign, I am done. It wasn't necessary, it excludes those of us that actually believe that religion, faith, gods, magic, superstition, fairy tales, and dogma have no place in our government. Incidentally, the constitution they claim to uphold says the same thing. And if they kick off the campaign with an "interfaith prayer" event, they can't be trusted to leave it at home once they are elected. So I am done with their party. I will vote on an individual, per candidate basis. Which would lead me to vote third party most of the time. Which is fine. I am done rewarding mediocrity with a vote just because the republicans are scarier. I didn't mean for this to turn political, so I will stop here.


  1. hahah you sound pissed! but i agree! i would so like to go back in time and vote for nader!
