Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sometimes you go to the big TV...

Today I asked if I could get out 30 minutes early from work(I took a 30 min lunch, instead of an hour), so we could go to the vegan get-together this month. They do this almost every month, and there is usually an interesting theme or topic. Last month, Sophie and I learned to knit. This month, it was about raw food. They had samples, and we bought some raw crackers and coconut balls. They also had vegan cheesecake and brownies, as well as burger patties, and different crackers. All the food was raw(never cooked at higher than 118 deg F/48 deg C), and vegan. The main reason they do this, is to preserve all the nutrients in the food they eat, and I gotta say, it does taste delicious.

On they way back home, we passed by the cinema, or as Sophie calls it, the "Big TV". She demanded we go in there. She wanted to see!

Come on Dad! Let's go see the big TV! It's right there!
It gets dark here very late. This is the sky at 9:30pm...still not dark!

20 minutes later, still not exactly "night"....and it is bright out by 4:30am. So the world is indeed round. Take that flat-earthers!


  1. the coconut balls were awesome as were the rest, but those were my favorite :) and yes, it's weird that there's almost always light out.....i don't mind though!

  2. that's pretty badass, having light out for the majority of the makes you feel like you still have a lot of time to do whatever needs to get done :P...but then again....not really....cause you can get tricked easily lol

  3. OMG deliciousness.. was it free? or a buffet? That's so awesome that you guys get more sunlight, I kinda wish we had more over here but then that would mean more heat. SOoo i think i would pass lol.

  4. @Brenda - It just feels weird, that we are putting Sophie to bed, and it is still not dark. Or like when we stay up on the weekends and at 4:30 am, it is bright out.
    @Mari - No, she gave a presentation on Raw food, and its benefits. And then passed out samples of what she had. And yes, endless sun in EP is a bad idea!
