Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sometimes you buy a Jesus shirt for £1

A Big Lebowski Jesus shirt that is! Haha

"You said it, man. Nobody fucks with the Jesus."
It is a bit louder than what I am used to wearing, but it's ok. It's kind of funny, because I was looking through the second hand stores for shirts, since I have like 5 or so that I just keep wearing over and over lol. So I was just looking for nondescript used t-shirts that fit. I no longer care what they say, I am more interested in where they came from. And second hand charity shops is okay on my list. So it is rather odd that when I decide to get second hand shirts that I don't care what they say, I find a new one, that has something from a movie I really like! Go figure :)

Oh and Sophie says that is me! lol and wants to know why I am licking a red ball!