Friday, June 24, 2011

Sometimes it doesn't feel like a Friday...

10:30 in the morning on a Friday should never look like this:

To give you an idea, there was like 15 of us on the phones today more or less...there are more calls holding(apart from the ones we are already on) than there are are we supposed to do this? I feel bad for our clients. 30 minutes for what could be a simple session or password resets is ludicrous...

But, on the bright side, we finished planning the trip for this weekend to Brighton! The most vegan city in the UK! Veg*n restaurants! Yes! And a beach town too, so that should be fun! So bus -> train -> train -> Brighton tomorrow!! w00t!!

This is what the tickets look like for the train, and that is a tube map below them.


  1. oh man, this was an awesome trip! :D

  2. Lol, sounds like a horrible friday. :)
    Yay, hopefully we get to see pics soon!

  3. @Mari - as soon as we process 500 pics, you will lol
