Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sometimes not all apples are apples....

I know this is something many of you think I am crazy for. But every fall I look forward to these babies:

Sorry for the crappy phone picture, but I just found out we got some in our weekly bin and no time for dSLR pic! 
I know it doesn't look like much, but that's the least important quality in an apple. These things pack a crunch like no other apple, and a tart juicy sweetness that is just perfect! I didn't care much for apples really, and I still don't. Unless they happen to be honey crisps!!! They're expensive, and I don't care. Because they are truly a work of a god if there ever was one. All other apples bow down in servitude to this superior apple that deserves a class of its own! I found out about these in Milwaukee from a coworker like 4 years ago and have been a huge fan ever since! Only available in the fall! Now I sound like commercial...haha


  1. Lol, I once accidentally bought some expensive apples and I didn't realize until I was on the line to pay for my stuff and I was so lazy to go and change them (it was 3 normal red delicious and 2 from the expensive ones that I don't remember the name), when I got to eat them they where glorious, it was worth the extra money :P

    1. Yeah, red delicious is so mealy and soft now that I don't even get them anymore. I need that crunch haha

  2. They are a work of humans, more specifically human researchers at a university so be thankful to them!

    1. Yeah, i know, i was kidding of course. A university in Minnesota if I recall correctly.

  3. So because these apples are superior, not all apples are apples?

  4. Indeed. If Honey Crisps are apples, then the others surely cannot be. And if the others are apples, then this is something else altogether!
