Monday, September 15, 2014

Sometimes there is no time...

Today work was ridiculously busy...I could have easily stayed late working another 3 hours and not finished. So I didn't. I'll get on all that tomorrow.

I had a cat hang out with me most of the morning. Ended up being the neighbors cat. I would have fed him something since he seemed hungry, but I have no idea what I could even feed a cat that we actually have.


  1. Sucks about work, it eats up into my chuy time :P

  2. Tough one... cats feed on what? Souls of the innocent, right? :P
    If you look closely at the second picture you can see him trying to get into your soul... but your awesomeness was too much for the cat :P

    1. Yeah! I thought he was doing something weird. Thankfully my awesomeness prevented his wickedness from stealing my soul! haha
