Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sometimes you grow some tomatoes...

I have been trying my hand at gardening this year. I got a bit of a late start, but it's been going rather well. Or better than I expected anyway. Right now, we got some  small cherry tomatoes that are doing pretty well. We got this one small vine with a tomato at every stage of growth:

From fully ripe, to almost not even there yet.
This year, we got tons of raspberries. A handful of strawberries, kale, a red lettuce variety, yellow squash, garlic, and a few plums(not sure why only a few this year, the tree is pretty big). Here are some pics: 

The yellow peppers, our first pickings! 

A yellow squash about to be picked :D 

Hungarian black pepper, not black yet, so not ripe yet. 

Baby watermelon. Much bigger now, but still not big enough. 

First Kale pickings :) 

First Red Lettuce pickings :) 

Chile flower. That little green thing in the center, will grow to be the pepper. 

Squash flowers! you can eat the male ones. 

So we did! 

The strawberry plants get stronger as the years go by, so our baby plants didn't give that many strawberries, but the few we got were amazing! 

Garlic! So mild and sweet! Amazing roasted! 

The entire garlic plant. Bulbs on the left, flowers on the right. 

This was the squash when I first planted it. It's massive now. 

We would get one or two of these a day at peak season! It was awesome! 


And squirrels had their share of raspberries of course haha

An unripe raspberry


Baby strawberries! 

Baby kale! 

Seedlings! This is how most of it started. 

Growing these few things has helped me realize how fragile everything is. How connected to the earth we are. How badly we depend on it. I know it sounds corny and hippie. But it's true. I've also first hand seen how important bees are. None of this would be without bees. Every raspberry we ate, every squash we get, they all need to be bees. All in all, I really like gardening. It's relaxing. It's work, but it also clears my mind. I don't know why, I find it relaxing. Next year I plan to get an earlier start and get some compost for the soil as well. 


  1. Nice!! I've always wanted to have a garden.. i even tried in EP but it didn't work out lol...

  2. You did well and everything has been delicious!

  3. Awesome photos as always.
    I want to do some gardening too at my house, although I don't have space like you, so I'll probably just plant some herbs :P

  4. Es increible ver lo bien que se te dio tu huerto!! Da gusto ver tu dedicacion y esfuerzo para que esto suceda, mil felicitaciones por todo tu trabajo. Lo mejor de todo es ver el fruto de todo tu esfuerzo, las fotos padrisimas como siempre...:)
