Monday, September 8, 2014

Sometimes you write again...

So it seems that Mari wants to read all our posts again, so let's see how long before we all stop again. Right now I am working second shift Milwaukee time(3-11pm there), so that comes out to 1-9pm here in Portland, M-F. Not my favorite shift, but I am hoping it won't be permanent. I'm at home anyway, so it's not too bad.

 A lot has happened since we were last writing these (November of last year apparently, for me). I figured out a reliable way to get some cool macro pictures, using hollow extension tubes and my manual flash. A very cheap way to do macro, compared to buying a macro lens (which I still would like to do at some point). So Sophie and I have this thing where she finds bugs and I go and take pictures of them. I really like it. And the pictures aren't bad if I may say so myself. I would update on more things that have happened since, but apparently I write too much. So I will do an update of sorts each day or something. This one is about macro pics.

Here are a few shots:

This bee wanted to hang out. It landed on my shirt at Sophie's swim class and just stayed there, even through the bike ride home.

This is Sophie's friend's pet preying mantis. 

Honeybee inside our squash flowers. 

This is a ladybug larvae turning into a pupa. Pupating I think is the term. 

Darkling beetle pupa. 

Darkling beetle waving! 


Jumping spider! It jumped at my lens shortly after this! 

Okay,that was more than a few. But that's just a fraction of them. It's easy to post pics now, since google auto backs up all my pics, they're ready to post if I need to. Very cool.

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