Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sometimes you get some guinea pigs...

After much deliberating, we decided that guinea pigs were a friend for Sophie that Geli could deal with and that wouldn't derail vacation plans and was also completely vegan. We re-homed some guinea pigs that were neglected by their previous owners. Here are a few phone pics and a vid:

We made a playpen outside for them. Here they are munching on some grass.

"Wiggles" as Sophie named this one. Hanging out with her in the playpen. 

"Speedy" as she is tentatively named by Sophie, for now. She's the shy one. But she's run away when you try to hold her haha.

Sophie in the playpen with them. 
They were super scared of everyone and everything when we got them. They were living in the hay that is their food(so there was poop and pee all over their food -_- ). We've since changed their bedding to fleece and placed their hay just in a little box for eating. But their demeanor has improved in just a couple days of proper attention. The previous owner had them both in a cage that is less than 3 square feet!!! For over 6 months!! They need at least 10 square feet. And that's the minimum. The play pen we have for them outside is over 32 square feet. They loved playing outside :) Unfortunately, we have to put them back in the tiny cage, but we are hoping this is the last night. We bought some supplies, and tomorrow I will find the last of what we need to make them a cage that will be 24.5 square feet. All in all, we've enjoyed their company so far. Sophie is super thrilled and in disbelief at her new little furry friends. She told me this morning "I really hope this isn't a dream!"