Monday, September 22, 2014

Sometimes you fail at your tasks...

Today I had one gather all the supplies for the piggies playpen....I failed at that. I needed to go get 8x4 feet sheets of corrugated plastic to line the playpen. I did not. I tried, but alas time was insufficient.The fleece was difficult to get. I ended up going all the way out to 82nd street for it and that killed the schedule.
Ignore the 11.95, that's the price of the sheets of plastic we needed from the sign place

So I almost completed everything...but alas I did not. Failure still. Tomorrow I will complete this and the piggie playpen will be completed!


  1. Wow... that is a very detailed schedule... kudos on that, it's awesome :P
    Too bad at failing though, lol

  2. You had way more than one task! You did awesome!

  3. i can't see the picture and that's lame. .-.
