Friday, September 19, 2014

Sometimes they have issues printing...

So today I was asked by the service desk to look at a client issue where "the same document kept coming out over and over!"

I wonder why? haha
"It printed?"
"Oh, Okay, let's send it to the printer 1200 more times!"
"Then, let's call IT to see why the same thing keeps coming out!"

And just because:

Sophie waiting for the green light :) Coming back from school

Portland <3 Went out of my way slightly on my way to buy pants today to take this in. Not bad for a phone pic. 

1 comment:

  1. WTF? more than 1200 times? What kind of person would do that? It it didn't work on the first 10 times why would it work on the next 100 or worse 1000????
