Friday, September 12, 2014

Sometimes you run some errands and it's fun...

I love biking...especially now that I don't have to tow Sophie along. It's way too enjoyable. I feel like I am just gliding, piercing the air, it's great. Anyway, today I had some errands to run, so I biked this:

Not bad for something I enjoy anyway

I have to stop to take this in of course :) 

Much to Geli's dismay, this had to be done! 
I could have taken a shorter route, but biking along the river rules so much that I don't mind biking longer just to enjoy that. Also, I am just getting out of work(48 minutes late), and it's crap. It's Friday and you're not supposed to work extra on a Friday.


  1. Nice, I which Monterrey was as bike friendly as Portland is... but people here are freaking crazy, next year I'll start biking too, at least from my house to work, and train on weekends. But it scares me a little, lol.
    And nice speed XD

  2. awh, yeah. I thought it was late for you to be at your desk when you sent me the picture of coffee and work. BUT YAY BIKING.
