Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sometimes you waste time...

Not on purpose though...Today I worked an update for one of the applications we host and I had a list of 11 clients and about 25 DBs between all of them that needed updating. And one of the things I needed to do was make sure the tlog and full backups were running and we had a recent backup of both. In SQL Management Studio, which I am not all that familiar with I was used to just going to the Job Monitor and checking from there. Turns out the Database guys changed that and didn't tell me. Now we just check the DB properties for the last backup, which I was not aware you could do. So I held off on the update till the 3rd shift guy came in to see what he thought about that. He's the one that told me about the new way to check the yeah. Now I am working a bit late cuz I am behind on the update -_- Not cool...

Random pics:

Guess what this is!

Why someone felt the need to tag about canine flatulence is strange. But there you have it. 


  1. Not cool that you got out of work late.... :(

  2. Yeah, that sucks... and I don't know what that is... pine nuts or something similar?

  3. some sort of seed?
    lol that's weird. the graffiti.
